NATO Publications & Official Texts

NATO Publications & Official Texts

NATO A-Z (Topic pages)

  • All about NATO in the form of a thematic index.

NATO Encyclopedia

  • A compilation of archived online topic pages which explain every aspect of the Organization: its origin and fundamental security tasks, policies and decision-making processes, peace-support and crisis-management operations and how the Alliance tackles threats and develops capabilities. The pages also cover NATO’s partnerships and cooperative activities, its civilian and military structures, and specialised organisations and agencies, as well as NATO’s wider activities.

NATO Publications

  • A selection of NATO electronic publications. They are available in electronic format only but can be downloaded and printed. 

NATO Archives

  • Chronological sets of documents issued by the International Staff and the NATO Military Authorities between 1949 and 1982.
  • e-mail :

NATO Archives Online

  • Currently provides users with the opportunity to explore the first 10 years of the Alliance’s history through the Committee documents of the North Atlantic Council and its sub-committees.
  • On 16 January 2015, over 23.000 new documents have been uploaded to NATO Archives Online covering three major areas previously unavailable on the web.

NATO Standardization Agreements

    NATO Standardization Office
  • e-mail :
  • or send a written request addressed to : NATO Standardization Office, NATO HQ, 1110 Brussels, Belgium 


  • New official NATO Terminology Database coordinated by the NATO Terminology Office (NTO) - which is part of NATO Standardization Office (NSO). NATOTerm contains non-classified military terminology, as well as non-military terminology relevant to NATO. NATOTerm will become "one-stop shop" for all terminology.

NATO Official Texts

  • Official texts of the Alliance, from the Treaty and its protocols to the Partnership for Peace documents, as well as the complete texts of all NATO Ministerial Communiqués since 1949.

NATO Basic Texts

  • A thematic overview of NATO's most important official texts : from the Treaty and its protocols to the Partnership for Peace

Other NATO Official Documents