Allied Command Operations and Allied Command Transformation Public Affairs Handbook (May 2020)
Allied Command Operation (ACO)/Allied Command Transformation (ACT)
Allied Command Transformation
Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E) is a fundamental process which enables transformation activities. This CD&E Handbook provides basic information for the concept developer based on approved NATO guidance and policy as well as best practice derived from a rich history of CD&E experience. Although designed to address Alliance CD&E activities it has been developed with a vision of informing NATO nations, our partners and other nations and organizations. Accordingly, significant effort has been taken to ensure applicability of the methodology across the broadest user community.
NATO Handbook (2006)
The NATO Handbook was published by the NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division under the authority of the Secretary General as a reference book on the Alliance and on Alliance policies. It is no longer updated and is shown here for historical purposes only. For an updated content, please refer to the NATO Encyclopedia.
NATO Logistics Handbook (November 2012)
The NATO Logistics Handbook is published under the auspices of the Logistics Committee (LC) and aims to introduce logisticians at every level to some of NATO’s basic principles, policies, concepts and the organisations which they will encounter in the course of their work.
NATO Operations Assessment Handbook (July 2015)
This handbook defines and describes operations assessment principles, procedures and techniques in NATO, within the construct of operations planning, and should be used in conjunction with the Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD).