On-site resources (available to NATO HQ staff)
EBSCOHost Research Databases
- Thousands of full text journals, abstracted articles and other resources from several research databases (Academic Search Complete, GreenFILE, International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, Military & Government Collection, Political Science Complete).
- Access to full text articles from some of Janes online products (e.g. Defence Industry, Defence Weekly, International Defence Review, etc.).
Springer Link
- Includes about 4,000 peer-reviewed journals in science, technology, business, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Coverage for most journals is from the first to the current issue. Full-text available.
Freely available resources
Library Catalog
- More than 30,000 articles can be found in the catalog.
- New articles are regularly added to the collection.
NATO LibGuides
- Online research guides on a variety of topics pertaining to security, military issues, defence, etc.
- Each LibGuide has a page containing recent articles as well as an 'Articles Archive' page with articles from previous years.
Open-access articles and reports databases
- Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Academia has 38,404,757 registered academics, with 12,915,399 papers and 1,877,916 research interests. (Registration is required).
American Bar Association - Free Full-Text Online Law Review/Journal Search Engine
- This free search engine searches the free full-text of over 400 online law reviews and law journals, as well as document repositories hosting academic papers and related publications such as Congressional Research Service reports.
BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
- BASE provides more than 90 million documents from more than 4,000 sources. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents.
Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH)
- A central, open-access repository of research by members of the Harvard community.
Directory of Free Arab Journals
- A database of all Arab journals (produced by Arab universities and research institutions) that are openly available on the internet, regardless of their field and whether or not they have a print edition.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
Subjects of interest include :
E-International Relations
- E-International Relations (E-IR) is the world’s leading open access website for students and scholars of international politics, featuring high quality scholarly content and student-facing resources.
FIV Current Bibliography International Relations and Area Studies
- This online bibliography was a systematic and regional classified list (PDF) with new entries of the database World Affairs Online (WAO). Edited fortnightly with about 1.000 new entries per edition. The Bibliography ceased publication in November 2011 (the link forwards you to the 2007-2011 archive).
- As part of the WISO-Database Package. Licence mandatory. Licensed by nearly all German, Austrian, and Swiss university libraries and there freely accessible for university members.
Updates: fortnightly.
International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
- The International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR - is the preeminent worldwide professional organization in the field of media and communication research whose members promote global inclusiveness and excellence within the best traditions of critical scholarship in the field.
IREON Gateway
- The IREON Gateway serves as central access point to scholarly literature in the international relations and area studies field. It offers a direct search across several databases with international scholarly literature and links - as far as there is an electronic file - to the full text or indicates possibilities of lending the respective item. Besides the World Affairs Online (WAO) further databases are included like PAIS International (only for German residents), Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (only for German residents), LitDok produced by InWEnt, a sub-file of the library catalogue of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, treaties on security policy, tables of contents of journals OLC SSG-IBLK (only for German residents).
Open Access Routledge Taylor & Francis Online
- Politics and International Relations journals
- Taylor & Francis Online provides access to, and information about, all journals from Taylor & Francis and Routledge, with a portfolio of over 2,700 journals.
Politics, International Relations and Strategic Studies Open Select (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group)
- Articles recently published on an open access basis in Routledge Politics and International Relations journals (2012 onwards).
Scientific Research - Open Access
- Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) is currently publishing more than 200 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Subjects of interest include :
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) eLibrary - MIT Political Science section
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is a world wide collaborative of over 311,100 authors and more than 2.2 million users that is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research.
SWP Publications
- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP) advises political decision-makers on international politics and foreign and security policy. Our services are orientated primarily towards the German government and Bundestag, as well as relevant international organisations such as the European Union, NATO and the United Nations. The link forwards you to all the SWP Publications.
Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL)
- The Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes and provides unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports. TRAIL currently consists of over three dozen member institutions whose annual membership fees and volunteered staff time further the efforts of the project.
University of Southern California, USC Libraries Research Guides (LibGuides): Political Science