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NATO Publications

A list of publications from NATO and NATO Bodies. Here you will find information about a a variety of sources, ranging from the secretary Generals Annual Report, to Law publications, Cyber and AI, and gender perspectives. 

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Enhancing Stabilization and Strategic Partnership in a Post-Conflict Environment. A Comprehensive Approach to Human Security

This book underscores the crucial role of Human Security in post-conflict environments. It presents a comprehensive approach to key issues in these contexts, including security sector reform, interreligious dialogue, civilian protection, gender, international displacement, sexual violence, child protection, water security, and cultural heritage preservation. The insights aim to promote best practices and encourage sustained cooperation and partnerships among international stakeholders.

NATO’s future: a history

NDC Hindsight Series No.2

Past pessimism about the solidity and survivability of the Alliance turned out to be misplaced, but assumptions about some of its fundamental tenets were not always correct. Doomsayers have been proven wrong. Internal tensions and external challenges have never brought the Alliance to a breaking point. After 75 years of existence, NATO appears to be a historical anomaly. A few lessons to ensure its longevity stem from this retrospective. NATO would be wise to stick with its core mission: deterrence and defense against an armed attack. Attempts to alter the rules and procedures of the Alliance risk endangering its foundations.

What if…? 12 Dragon King scenarios for 2028


This is not some side character in Game of Thrones, but an event that is very unique (“a dragon”) and large in size or effect (a “king”). In contrast to the Black Swan, a Dragon King is imaginable and therefore to some, even if minor, extent, predictable. This makes the Dragon King a more operational, and therefore useful, concept than the Black Swan because a Dragon King surmises that surprise can be reduced if we use imagination, careful causal thinking, and of course, we monitor the area where we think it could materialize.

Science & Technology Trends 2023-2043

Science & Technology Trends 2023-2043

Science & Technology Trends: 2023-2043 provides an assessment of Science & Technology (S&T) trends and their potential impact on NATO military operations, defence capabilities, enterprise functions, and political decision space.​

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NATO 2022 Strategic Concept Cover

NATO 2022 Strategic Concept

The 2022 Strategic Concept was adopted at the Madrid Summit, 29-30 June 2022. Learn more about NATO’s enduring purpose and its fundamental security tasks.