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NATO Smart Energy experts evaluate technology at “Capable Logistician 2015”. NATO, 12 December 2015.

This is the final version of a video clip showing activities of the Smart Energy unit during the exercise Capable Logistician 2015 (CL15) (Hungary, 8-19 June). The clip includes sound bites by experts who were brought together under the Advanced Research Workshop "Smart Energy in CL15: From Observation to Recommendation" that took place during CL15. The experts observed and assessed Smart Energy activities and provided recommendations for standardisation.

The activities were implemented by NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division in conjunction with the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) (

The workshop was supported by NATO's Science for Peace and Security Programme under the label "Smart Energy". The co-directors of the workshop were Rasa Pazarauskiene, ENSEC COE, and Theresia Vogel, Austrian Climate and Energy Funds.

NATO Smart Energy Water Purification. NATO 11 December 2015

Video footage that was taken during the exercise Capable Logistician 2015 (CL15) (Hungary 8-19 June) was used to tell the story about the flooding scenario and the use of a low-energy, light weight and mobile water purification unit that the company Blücher used as a player in CL15. 

The activities were implemented by NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division in conjunction with the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence ( and supported by NATO's Science for Peace and Security Programme under the label "Smart Energy".

NATO Smart Energy Thermal Solar Power for Heating Water

The German Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) installed a thermal solar unit to heat water for the soldiers' shower block. The unit that was already used in the camp Marmal in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, has been improved and used as real-life-support to provide emergency showers for the fuel unit at the exercise "Capable Logistician 2015" (CL15) (Hungary, 8-19 June).

The activities were implemented by NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division in conjunction with the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence ( and supported by NATO's Science for Peace and Security Programme under the label "Smart Energy".

The soldier of the future. NATO, 6 July 2015

At the multinational exercise Capable Logistician 2015, outside the Hungarian town of Veszprem, leading engineers and scientists have gathered to demonstrate some of the latest equipment and material for reducing the fuel consumption in camps and the battle field.
Using fuel more efficiently means decreasing the number of fuel convoys, reducing the need for force protection and saving lives. 
The activities were implemented by NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division in conjunction with the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence ( and supported by NATO's Science for Peace and Security Programme under the label "Smart Energy".
Find out more about Smart Energy during Capable Logistician 2015 on the NATO website :

NATO Smart Energy – Activities during Capable Logistician 2015. NATO, 8-19 June 2015

NATO/Emerging Security Challenges Division with support by the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence led the implementation of the Multinational Integrated Logistic Unit (MILU) SMART ENERGY during the exercise Capable Logistician 2015, Hungary 8-19 June.

Fourteen private companies and two public defence agencies contributed over 50 pieces of equipment and highly trained personnel to provide Smart Energy production, storage, distribution and consumption, as well as portable and wearable soldier power solutions.

Furthermore, 21 subject matter experts from public defence agencies and research institutes joined the exercise to observe and evaluate Smart Energy activities. Their participation was supported by NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme under the workshop “Smart Energy in Capable Logistician 2015: From Observation to Recommendation”.


A full description of equipment with their features is provided in the "NATO Smart Energy brochure for CL15", under the tap "Exercises" -> "Capable Logistician 2015".

NATO Smart Energy - Experts observe smart energy solutions in a multinational military exercise. NATO 8-19 June 2015

Supported by the Science for Peace and Security Programme, 21 subject matter experts from defence agencies and research institutes joined the exercise to observe Smart Energy activities under the workshop “Smart Energy in Capable Logistician 2015: From Observation to Recommendation” (CL15, Hungary, 15-17 June 2015).

The experts came from Defence R&D Canada (CAN), Direction générale de l'armement (FRA), Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (DEU), Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España S.A. (Isdefe) (ESP), U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Centre (CERDEC) (USA), Military Engineering Centre of Expertise (NLD), Hochschule Aalen – Technik und Wirtschaft (DEU), Yildiz Technical University (TRK), TUBITAK (TRK), University of Defence (CZE), Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) (DNK), Pentagon/Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (USA), U.S. Army/Product Manager Force Sustainment Systems (USA), the Truman National Security Project (USA), the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) located in Luxembourg, the NATO Military Engineering Centre of Excellence located in Ingolstadt (DEU), NATO’s Allied Command Transformation (ACT) located in Norfolk (USA).

This activity was co-director by Theresia Vogel, Director of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fonds located in Vienna (AUT), and Rasa Pazarauskiene, expert at the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence located in Vilnius (LTU).

NATO Smart Energy - What is a micro grid? How does it save fuel? NATO, 8-19 June 2015

The heart of a micro grid is a computer-controlled energy management system that is usually connected to a rack or container with rechargeable batteries. The batteries are charged by various energy sources, for example diesel generators, photovoltaic (solar) panels or wind turbines. The energy management system measures the demand, sets priorities for power delivery and automatically powers up and shuts down diesel generators as needed.

NATO Smart Energy - How does a hybrid energy micro grid work? NATO, 8-19 June 2015

A hybrid energy micro grid combines several energy sources, including, for example, main grid, diesel generator, geothermal, solar and wind power. Expanding a micro grid with a large solar power field providing free energy makes the deployable camps more fuel independent and sustainable. 

NATO Smart Energy – Extending power supply with a mobile solar array. NATO, 8-19 June 2015

During the exercise Capable Logistician 2015, the scenario “Fuel supply delay” required the deployment of additional solar power to be added to a micro grid. In this case a highly mobile solar roll-array solar was deployed. Smart Energy experts also provided advice on how to reduce the energy consumption of other logistics unit of the exercise, especially of operational and accommodation tents. 

NATO Smart Energy - How do Hybrid Generator Systems Work? NATO, 8-19 June 2015

A hybrid generator combines a diesel generator with battery storage in one unit, to which solar panels can be added. Batteries are an important enabler for Smart Energy because they store surplus energy and mitigate power fluctuation from renewable energy sources. The stored energy can then be continuously released. The diesel generator is only powered-up in case of a greater demand from electrical consumers.

NATO Smart Energy CL15 - Responding to power cut with mobile solar energy trailer. NATO 8-19 June 2015

During the exercise Capable Logistician 2015, the scenario “Main power cut” at the First Aid tent triggered a command for alternative energy supply. Smart Energy provided a mobile solar power trailer with integrated batteries to bridge the power cut until the main power grid was repaired. The trailer can be towed by an ordinary Jeep and its deployment takes under a minute.

NATO Smart Energy - Mobile solar power and water purification for crisis and flood response. NATO, 8-19 June 2015

During the exercise Capable Logistician 2015, the scenario “Flood crises” required additional energy equipment and water purification units to be deployed in an area with inaccessible roads. Solar panels and tent material were airdropped and a light weight, energy efficient water purification unit was carried to the site of contaminated water. Highly mobile and low-energy consuming water purification units allow expeditionary troops and disaster respond teams to produce drinking water where needed, independent from power grids, diesel generators and roads. 

What is NATO Smart Energy? NATO, 8-19 June 2015

“Smart Energy” describes NATO’s efforts to enhance the energy efficiency of its armed forces. This can be achieved by a wide range of means, such as the increased use of renewable energy, better energy management, new technologies for energy storage and most importantly, behavioural change. Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, NATO Assistant Secretary General for the Emerging Security Challenges Division, shares his thoughts.

Capable Logistician 2015 - Smart Energy. SHAPE 29 June 2015

Capable Logistician 2015 is a field training exercise designed to test a range of logistics units, including energy-efficient solutions, in an effort to cut cost while enhancing interoperability and military effectiveness. By Vincent Pedican from SHAPE.

"The Burden", movie trailer by Sorkin Productions on the U.S. military efforts to reduce its fuel burden. March 2015

The U.S. military is waging war against its toughest foe ever – oil  dependence – the greatest threat to American prosperity, security and lives.   Support THE BURDEN film and our advocacy efforts to help develop renewable energy sources and free America of its dangerous fossil fuel addiction.

NATO workshop on "Triple Net Zero Water, Waste and Energy" in Sønderborg, February 2015

The video gives a glimps into the vision of experts for reducing the footprint of energy, water and waste in the military. The experts met for a three-day NATO workshop in the Danish city of Sønderborg.

Improving Military Energy Security. ARPA-E, 24 February, 2014

Microgrid technologies could not only help the military significantly reduce its energy demand both at home and abroad, but also they could reduce the number of fuel-supply convoys required on the battlefield and the number of troops killed in fuel-supply convoy attacks. This video highlights two ARPA-E projects that have formed strategic partnerships with the military to enable these microgrids at forward operating bases.

◦Il Pattugliatore Foscari Prima Nave Della ‘Flotta Verde.’ WebTV, 30 January 2014.

Flotta Verde, Italy

The Italian “Flotta Verde” (Green Fleet) project started in close conjunction with the earlier US Navy Great Green Fleet initiative that will culminate with an alternative energy demonstration activity at sea in 2016. On January 29th, ITS Foscari became the first ship certified for the Italian Navy’s Green Fleet, one day after its return to home port and upon completion of a 5 hours sea trial. The successful trial was the final stage of the experimentation protocol for this green fuel which is fully compliant with the NATO Standard F76 naval fuel specifications. ITS Foscari’s sea trial on green F76 demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the Italian Navy’s foreign oil dependency up to 50%. This is a very ambitious target for the Italian Navy Fleet’s consumed energy from alternative sources to be reached in the coming decade and yet it contributes, together with energy savings and increased energy efficiency, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comply with international reduction commitments.

Video clip explaining to soldiers why energy efficiency matters. U.S. Army, 20 September, 2013.

NATO showcases "Smart Energy" at the exercise "Capable Logistician" in Slovakia, June 2013. NATO NITV, 23 August, 2013.

Advanced Biofuels: Key to Military Energy Security. PEW, 03 December 2012

Assistant Secretary of Defense For Operational Energy, Sharon Burke, talks energy security. U.S. Army, 10 May, 2012.

The Pentagon has released an operational energy strategy implementation plan. DoD, 20 March, 2012.

Gen. Petraeus on operational energy. U.S. Army, 20 July, 2011.

Energy Saving Techniques for the Army. US Army, 23 December 2011

U.S. Army Strategic Energy Security Goals. U.S. Army, 2011.

Operational Energy. U.S. Army, 5 November, 2010.