Dernier tango a TripoliThe Libyan conflict is very different from the upheavals that have shaken several other North African and Middle Eastern countries since the 'Arab spring' began. Libya is a sparsely populated country with only the rudiments of civil society. it has no 'Facebook generation' equipped to organize peaceful protest, no labor unions capable of relaying grassroots discontent, and no organized opposition that could have expressed specific grievances and, given the opportunity, negotiated with the regime. In more than forty years of bloody, absolute and occasionally grotesque dictatorial rule, Muammar Gaddafi, 'the Guide', has eliminated all forces of dissent and thereby any channels of dialogue. This is why the Libyan uprising has been so violent and extreme. The rebellion which began in February has a single demand : the end of the dictator, by bloodshed if necessary. What comes next ? Since Libya is an artificially constructed state, partition now seems to be a credible scenario.